Varos Ecommerce Verticals

Baby Apparel & Accessories Market

The eCommerce baby apparel and accessories market is a thriving sector of the online retail industry focusing on providing parents and caregivers with a convenient and efficient way to shop for baby clothes, accessories, and related items online. This market includes a wide range of products, including onesies, shoes, hats, bibs, blankets, jumpsuits, and more.

The eCommerce baby apparel and accessories market has experienced significant growth in recent years due to the growing popularity of online shopping. As a result, parents and guardians can find the exact products they need rather than depending on a retail store’s inventory.

Keep reading to learn important baby and apparel accessories eCommerce KPI benchmarks to help gauge your success and help your business grow.

Average Conversion Rate for eCommerce Baby Apparel & Accessories

The conversion rate for baby and apparel accessories eCommerce is a vital KPI describing how many visitors purchase. The conversion rate (CVR) is expressed as a percentage. So, for example, if you had 100 visitors and 10 became customers, your conversion rate would be 10%.

Understanding baby and apparel accessories conversion rate benchmarks is essential for gauging the success of your campaigns. Additionally, knowing how peers within your industry are performing is essential to determining the success or failure of your marketing campaigns. 

Our data indicates that the average conversion rate for baby and apparel accessories for Facebook Ads is 2.7%. Below, you can see how our platform aggregates and analyzes advertising data from thousands of eCommerce sites within your industry and compares them with your results.

eCommerce Traffic Data for the Baby Apparel & Accessories Market

The baby apparel and accessories market is a specific category of the overall baby and children market, which leverages several important traffic sources to generate revenue, including:

  • Paid ads (51.2%)
  • Direct (22.9%)
  • Affiliate marketing (22.5%)
  • Email marketing (3.4%)

However, it’s worth noting that eCommerce businesses do not widely report traffic data. Fortunately, the Varos platform can aggregate traffic data to divide the paid ads segment further. 

Our platform indicates that the baby and children market invests 62% of its paid ad budget into Google Ads, with 38% spent on Facebook Ads. We can further divide this data by campaign type:

  • Facebook - Prospecting (24%)
  • Google - Performance Max (24%)
  • Google - Search (37%)
  • Google - Shopping (0.56%)
  • Facebook - Retargeting (14%)

Most of the valuable traffic for baby and children eCommerce stores comes from Facebook Ads, making it a key area to invest time and resources for stores looking to grow.

Average Cost Per Click for Baby Apparel & Accessories Stores

One of the most important marketing metrics for refining your marketing budget is cost-per-click (CPC). Every advertising platform offers CPC methods so you can drive targeted traffic to your site, ideally carefully designed landing pages.

CPC is among the vital baby and apparel accessories eCommerce benchmarks to understand. A CPC campaign should be focused on generating conversions, so if your CPC is too high without leading to conversions, you may spend more on the campaign than it makes.

Below, you can see how the Varos dashboard shows the median CPC for Facebook Ads in the baby apparel and accessories market is US$1.32. Our platform compares your results to your peers, so you always understand how you compare.